Available color: UV-VIS: UV, UVA, violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Amber, Red, Cyan, White; Near IR, IR:  C band, L band
Wavelengths (nm):  350-365, 405, 450-465, 505-530, 585,  610-630, 630-650; white;  ~860, ~1300, ~1550

Type of fiber:  Plastic Optical fiber, (diameter of 1mm and up);  Large core quartz fiber (50- 600um); Telecomm fiber

Custom sources: Modulation /Free Space / Microscope illumination / Battery powered / Multiplexed output / OEM /CIE color click here

Overview of WT&T broadband LED sources 2015 click here

Single- channel LE-1x-C/CE
Optical power: 10 to 40 mW 
Fiber: POF 1mm pigtail, FC or SMA
Built-in: drivers, cooling, power and remote on/off control.
Specs and  example testing report

Two- channel: LE-1xx
Optical power: 8 to 15 mW 
Fiber: POF 1mm pigtail, FC or SMA
Built-in: drivers, cooling, power and remote on/off control.
Specs and  example testing report

Three- channel: LE-1xxx
Optical power: 8 to 15 mW 
Fiber: POF 1mm pigtail, FC or SMA
Built-in: drivers, cooling, power and remote on/off control.
Specs and  example testing report

LE-2x (Coaxial )
Fiber pigtailed LED.
Output power 1-3 mW; 
Fiber: POF 1mm pigtail, FC or SMA
Need external driver
Specs and  example testing report

LE-3x (PCB-mountable)
PCB-mountable fiber pigtailed LED.
Output power .5-1.5 mW; 
Fiber: POF 1mm pigtail, FC or SMA Need external driver 
Specs and  example testing report
Multiplexed LE3

LE-4x (infrared source):
Optical power: 0.05- 2mW
Wavelengths: 780- 1600 nm
Fiber: smf or mm, FC.
Built-in: drivers, cooling, power and remote on/off control.
1520 nm and 830 nm


Plastic fiber collimators:
M011-TU2: adjustable, plastic body
M015-TU2: pigtailed, glass body
M016: adjustable,large aperture 
Specs and Testing Reports

Microlens on POF:
Cone, Ball, taper and angled end
Various geometry and microlensed tip
Description and Testing Reports

POF assemblies
- patch- cords
- combiners and couplers
- reflectors
- and more

Description and Fiber termination

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